Since its inception, The Shelby Foundation has used its resources to make Shelby a better place, however, over the last decade; the amount of positive change spearheaded by The Shelby Foundation has increased exponentially.

The expansion of the Foundation’s impact can be tied to two factors. First, the generosity of the Shelby community in supporting the Foundation’s mission has, and will always be, the single most important factor. Without the support of the community, the Foundation couldn’t support the community. Second, the Foundation’s recent growth and success can be tied to the Board’s proactive approach and willingness to enhance collaborations with other agencies to implement new programs over the last ten years.

The Shelby Foundation annual meeting on Tuesday, April 17, 2018, was a bittersweet occasion when four of the Foundation’s board members, directly responsible for the Foundation’s success, attended their last annual meeting, having served the maximum nine years allowed.

Kenny Albert, Attorney Frank Benham, Dr. Theresa Roth, and Catherine Turner have spent their tenure strengthening the Foundation as pillar for positive improvement in the Shelby community.

“It’s hard to see these outstanding board members leave since they have been a constant source of leadership and wisdom for me since starting at the Foundation. I love The Shelby Foundation for many reasons and the board is one of those reasons. I respect them in and outside the boardroom,” said Executive Director Carrie Kemerer.

Board Chair Cody Albert said, “The Foundation is fortunate to have these outstanding members of the community propelling our organization forward. They are leaving us financially stable and prosperous, which allows us to have a real impact. Because of their leadership, the entire community is benefitting.”

During their term, the Foundation has awarded over a million dollars in grants to worthy nonprofit organizations and scholarships to graduating seniors. They were proactive in their leadership by instituting programs such as: Family Fun Night, where over 1,000 children last summer enjoyed Seltzer Pool over the course of three evenings; Kids Day at the YMCA; Cocoa and Cookies with Santa; third-graders fieldtrip to the library; and the ever-growing Women’s Fund dedicated to empowering women of all ages in Shelby.

While they have big shoes to fill, The Shelby Foundation is excited to announce two new board members: Judge Sheree Studer and Mr. Jason McCoy. Albert said, “Sheree and Jason bring an eclectic viewpoint to the Foundation from their unique backgrounds. While there will be a void where the four members were around the table, Sheree and Jason will continue to help the Foundation focus on innovative ways to serve the community.”